<About Groups>

(Official name)


Specified Nonprofit corporation 


Inseki Project



(Informal name)


NPO corporation  Inseki Project



(President) Kazuaki Nunomiya



(Date of incorporation) 01 July 2010




  302 Fukui-Building, 501 Tsurumaki-cho,

 Waseda, Shinjuku-ku,
 Tokyo, 162-0041 Japan




(Phone) +81 -6233 -9451

(FAX number) +81 -6233 -9452


E-mail) info@inseki-project.com



(Activities in Inseki Project)


 1. Promote environmental conservation activities
 2. Activities to promote social education
 3. Scholarly, cultural, artistic or sports activities to promote
 4. Activities of International Cooperation
 5. Activities to promote healthy development of children
 6. Activities of Theatre

   (Theatre Workshop performances at home and abroad)
 7. Activities of ties between people

  7. Activities related to disaster relief or support  

     activities assiciated with disaster relief

  8. To conduct activities corporate management or the

    activities listed in items, advice or assistance activities




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Above are the photoes of our charity t-shirts.We created this for the purpose of charity for the Great East Earthquake. Please read the top page of this web.